
Hi, and welcome to the homepage of Christ Church Greenbank. Please feel free to look around the site and find out more about who we are, what we do and what we believe. We have two duplicate services each Sunday at 10:30am and 4pm. The services last about an hour with music, prayer and time spent looking at the Bible. There is a creche available for pre-schoolers and separate groups for primary-aged kids. The service has something for everyone, whatever age you are and whether you would call yourself a Christian or are just interested to find out more.

Most weeks we also livestream the morning service online. You will find a link to the livestream on the This Sunday tab above. 

Dimitri Alldridge

Minister of Christ Church Greenbank



 Click here to see details of our Christmas services


Contact Details

Email: office@christchurchgreenbank.org 

Phone: 01606 77277

Address: Greenbank Station House, Chester Road, Northwich CW8 4AG



 Christ Church is part of the Anglican Mission in England 


At Christ Church Greenbank we take our duties and obligations to protect all, young and adults, very seriously. Our safeguarding procedures are in-line with Thirtyone:eight (thirtyoneeight.org) guidelines.

For more information please click this link to download our safeguarding satement and find contact details.

Privacy Notice

The Trustees have agreed a Data Privacy Policy in order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you choose to give Christ Church any personal data, it will be processed and stored in accordance with this policy. You can download and read the Data Privacy Notice here.


We are extremely grateful to the Lord for all who support the church in any way. If you would like to support the church financially the best way to do so is by setting up a transfer directly to the church bank account.            Thank you.

The details of the account are:

  • Account name: Christ Church Greenbank
  • Sort code:    08-92-99
  • Account №:  67368730

If you are able to Gift Aid your gift and have not already completed a Gift Aid form you can download one here.