Who is Jesus?

There is so much to say! Here are a few key points. If you want to know more, join us on Sundays or contact us.

Jesus is God’s Son. That means that he was born of Mary in Bethlehem, fully man, and grew up to tell people about who God is and how to live for him, before doing something that only God could do. But it also means that Jesus is God’s Son from all eternity. He is God. As Christians we worship Him, worshipping Father, Son and Holy Spirit – the Trinity. So Jesus is fully God and fully Man.

Jesus is the Saviour. The thing that Jesus came to do that no one else could do is to save his people. This didn’t mean leading them into battle against their enemies (the Romans), although many people at the time thought it might. Jesus saved his people by dying on a cross and rising again from the dead. He died on the cross for the sins of his people, for all the things that they – and we - have done wrong: not loving God, and not loving other people. Because Jesus is fully man he could stand in our place. Because Jesus is fully God, he is able to save.

Jesus is Lord. Jesus’ death on the cross saves all who turn to him, in repentance and faith. Repentance means turning around – turning away from living for ourselves, and instead turning to Jesus, to follow him, and live his way. Faith means trusting in God for salvation in Jesus Christ. We need to do this because Jesus is Lord. He is the one through whom God created the universe, and he is coming back as the judge of all. Everybody needs to recognise that Jesus is Lord of all, and to respond to him.

Contact Details

Email: office@christchurchgreenbank.org 

Phone: 01606 77277

Address: Greenbank Station House, Chester Road, Northwich CW8 4AG



 Christ Church is part of the Anglican Mission in England 


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